REV+FLOW: A Letter to My Coach

If you’re someone who enjoys a more technical post, this isn’t it.  But I think there are some elements to this post that will apply to the thought process of people in just about any role.  Here we go.   Dear Coach, There’s a reason I’m here today that I can’t explain in a brief…

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Tips and Tricks for Building Customized VMware Docs

In my last post, I gave advice on using VMware documentation like a pro.  But in this post, let’s take that one step further to expert level.  There’s something amazing about the VMware documentation site that people may not have explored.  From the VMware Docs home page, there’s an option to build custom docs.  Let’s click…

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If vSAN Powered The Matrix, Extended Edition

The presentation featured in this post is from the October 2018 Dallas VMUG UserCon and is the extended edition of an idea born from a vBrownBag presentation at VMworld 2017.  After giving that presentation in 2017, I quickly realized there was enough content to make it a full session.  As I allude to in the…

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The Fire Inside

We often discuss how career may affect our family or family life, but have you ever thought about how family influence affects career? Think about the influence your parents had / have on your life.  What lessons, if any, did you learn from watching the way your parents approached career? How did those observations affect…

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Amplifying Your vCenter Alarms

While some people may wake up each morning based on circadian rhythm alone, many of us require an alarm to wake up on time.  What does the alarm clock (or alarm app) really do for you?  It allows you to set a specific time at which a loud noise will happen.  The noise does not…

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Two Nerds on a Journey

When is the last time you embarked on a journey?  A journey is likened to a lengthy adventure with a number of challenges to overcome along the way which result in personal development.  Movies like Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey or Journey to the Center of the Earth serve as excellent illustrations of what a journey might…

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Fighting the Impostor Within

Deep inside you lies an impostor.  Rather than an opinion, this is a fact for many of us, regardless of profession. The impostor exists in that deep, dark place you hope no one can see, waiting to ruin everything you’ve achieved professionally. Is this impostor your alter ego like Dr. Jekyll’s Mr. Hyde?  Perhaps.  Does…

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